Constitution and By-Laws


We alumni and friends of Kolahun Central High School (KCHS), recognizing the need to identify with KCHS and associate with one another decided to form an association.

Article I  

        Name of the Organization:

The Name of the Association shall be Kolahun Central High School Alumni Association    (KCHAA)

Article II   

     Type of Organization:

The Association shall be established as a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization.  As such, no resources of the Association shall be used for the personal benefit of its members and any assets held by the Association on dissolution shall return to a government or other non-profit organizations

Article III  

     Purpose and Activities:  

       The purposes of the Organization shall be:

    1. Contribute to infrastructural, student educational and staff development efforts of the School

    1. Advocate for and solicit resources for the educational advancement of the School

    1. Affiliate and collaborate with other organizations and individuals for the advancement of the School

    1. Identify and associate with members of the Association

To achieve the above objectives, the Association shall request contributions from members and friends, solicit resources and collaboration from individuals and organizations, and engage with institutions, governmental and private to ensure that the School is provided appropriate and equitable resources.

Article III   


Membership of the Association shall be open to all alumni and friends of the School. Chapters may be established in various regions for administrative convenience.

Article IV   

    Board of Directors:  

The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the overall management of the Association and shall serve as the highest decision making authority.  The decisions of the Board are, however subject to review, correction and amendment by the general membership at a convention or at a specifically called general membership meeting for review of Board Action. The membership of the board shall be not less than three (3) and not more than five (5).

The board shall, among others, approves the budget and programs recommended by the Officers, confirms members of committees, assists in mobilizing resources for the Association and provides policy guidance for the Association. The Board shall delegate the day to day operation of the Association to the Officers identified in Article V

Article V     


        The Officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer referred to as the Executives.  The duties of these Officers are defined in the Bylaws.

Article VI  

     Eligibility to contest election for Officers or serve on the Board:

All members in good financial standing (as defined in the Bylaws) and of good moral character shall be eligible to be elected as officer and member of the board.

Article VII   

   Filling of Vacancies:     

       Any vacancy on the Executive or the Board shall be filled by election at the general meeting of members. 

 Article VIII 


Amendment to the Constitution shell be at the Semi-Annual Convention of the general membership.

Article IX   


  A convention, physical or virtual, shall be held every two years to, among others, review the activities of the Association, set or review goals, and make amendment to the constitution. The rules governing the convention shall be agreed at the Association general meeting.       


Section I     

    Financial Obligation of members:

Each member shall be required to pay a one-time registration fee of $50, a monthly membership due of $20 and contribute to projects as agreed in the Association’s meetings.  

Section II   

     Meetings, Quorum and Voting: a)

Regular general meetings of the Association shall be held every other Friday at 8:00 Pm EST. The Executive shall send notice of the meeting and agenda to all members at least one week before the meeting. Special meeting shall be called by the Executive, Board or any five (5) members of the Association. b) The quorum for all general and special meetings shall be at least ten members or 50% of members who are current with their financial obligation to the Association. To be current a member shall not owe more than three months in monthly due payment. c) All members shall have the right to attend and participate in discussion at all meetings of the Association.  However, only current members shall have the right to vote at these meetings.  All issues to be voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.

Section III   

   Term of Office and Duties of Officers: A) President:

The duties of the president shall include carrying out the policies of the Organization, appointing all committees of the Organization, exercising general supervision over day-to-day activities of the Organization, and presiding at meetings of the Organization and executive committee. The president shall be an ex officio of all committees.  The President shall approve all disbursement of Organization funds and be a signatory to the Organization’s account. The president shall serve as secretary to the Board.  B) Vice president: The duties of the vice president shall be those delegated by the president. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall serve in the president’s stead.

C) Secretary:

The duties of the secretary shall include keeping a record of all proceedings and correspondence of the Organization, certifying delegates to the Organization’s annual meeting, preparing or overseeing the preparation of newsletters and taking minutes at the Organization’s meeting. In the absence of the president and vice president, the secretary shall preside at meetings of the Organization.  D) Financial secretary: The Financial Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all funds received and disbursed. At the request of the executive committee, the Financial Secretary shall prepare an annual budget and financial reports of the Organization. The Financial Secretary shall also prepare vouchers for disbursement of funds. In the absence of the President, Vice President, and Secretary, the Financial Secretary shall preside at meetings of the Organization. E) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall serve as the custodian of all the Organization monies.  The Treasurer shall ensure the timely deposit of all funds into the Organization’s account and serve as signatory to the Organization’s account. F) Chaplain: the chaplain shall conduct spirituals devotions of the Organization at all call meetings and or occasion organized by the Organization.

Section IV   

   Committees and Independent Bodies: A) Committees

committees that are necessary will be formed either by the President or the members at the Organization’s meeting. Members of all committees shall be appointed by the President.  However, chairpersons of all committees shall be confirmed by the Board.  B) Election Commission – a three member independent Elections Commission shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board.  Members of the Commission shall serve a three-year term and are eligible for reappointments.  The Commission shall be responsible for holding elections for officers and members of the Board.

Section V    

    Management of Association’s Finances:

All disbursements shall be based on a voucher prepared by the Financial Secretary and approved by the President. All checks and other financial instruments used to withdraw funds from the Organization account(s) shall be signed by the President or Treasure and by the Chairman of the Board or his/her designee.

Section VI   


These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the  members at the Organization regular meeting, provided that a notice setting forth the proposed amendment and justification thereof shall have been sent to each member at least ten days prior to the vote. Any member of the Organization may initiate an amendment.


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